Carbon Sequestration

Carbon sequestration puts carbon into soils. Australia has the most number of soil carbon projects, the most innovative approach to issuing /measuring carbon credits for carbon sequestration. The projects aim at taking as much as possible greenhouse gas or carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Methane from cattle burping production is the number one source of …

Why design from nature? Part 3: ENERGY

Our Sun Radiates Energy The algae we see as green pond scum converts sunlight energy for its entire requirements at up to 95 percent efficiency, which is four times greater than solar photo-voltaic panels can manage. Duckweed also known as water lentils or water lenses come from four species (Spirodela, Landoltia, Lemna, Wolffiella and Wolffia) are …

Why design from nature? part 2: Food

Nature’s credibility for success –                            Cooperation is sustainable Whales were not saved by an understanding of population thresholds. Once their blubber was discovered to distill into an efficient fuel oil they were hunted to near extinction in a single generation. Whale blubber for oil was replaced by the petroleum industry and vegetable oil substitutes. Forests …

Why design from nature? part 1: Evolve

Nature’s credibility for success –                            The Earth is its own resource Stromatolites – Greek for ‘layered rock’ – are microbial reefs created by cyanobacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae are a division of microorganisms that are related to the bacteria but are capable of photosynthesis. They are prokaryotic and represent the earliest known form of life …